NCWS Calls For Unity, Progress For Brighter Future In New Year

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Janet Samuel, Abuja

As Christmas carols fill the air and Nigerians prepare for the New Year, the National Council for Women Societies (NCWS) has issued a message of hope and reflection, urging women to come together and build a brighter future.

A statement by the NCWS National President, Hajiya Lami Adamu-Lau acknowledged the challenges faced by Nigerian women, from persistent inequalities to gender-based violence. However, she also celebrated the strength and resilience of women who have stood united against these challenges and advocated for progress.

“In the past year, we have seen the unwavering strength of Nigerian women rise to the forefront,” Lau said. “We have stood united against gender-based violence, advocated for equal access to education and healthcare, and championed the economic empowerment of our sisters across all walks of life.”

Lau called on women to continue working together in the New Year, saying that the NCWS stands firmly by their side as a pillar of support and a platform for their voices.

“Let us make the coming year a testament to the enduring power of Nigerian women, not just during this festive season, but every day, throughout the year,” she said.

The NCWS’s message comes at a time when Nigeria is facing a number of challenges, including economic hardship, insecurity, and political uncertainty. However, Lau’s statement offers a message of hope and optimism, suggesting that Nigerian women have the power to overcome these challenges and build a better future for themselves and their communities.

The NCWS is an umbrella organization that brings together diverse women’s groups and societies from across Nigeria. It has a long history of working to promote the rights and well-being of women, and its call for unity and progress is likely to resonate with many Nigerian women in the New Year.

The NCWS’s work is essential in helping Nigerian women to overcome the challenges they face and reach their full potential. In the New Year, the organization is committed to working even harder to create a more just and equitable society for all Nigerian women.

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